5 Big Wins for Womankind Worth Celebrating

The past few years have been full of ups and downs for womankind. The current political climate constantly reminds us that there is still so much to be done for women’s rights and empowerment internationally. GenderInequality.Sucks—but recent years haven’t been all bad. As we head into what we hope will be a more equal future, let’s look back at some memorable moments.

1. Hillary Clinton Makes Waves in Politics

Though she lost the election in 2016, Hillary Clinton’s campaign inspired women worldwide. She faced challenges with grace and intelligence and never backed down when faced with political bullying. She also released a New York Times bestselling nonfiction book, What Happened?, and continues to be an important part of the political conversation.

Of course, it would have been cool to see a female president, so if you’re still feeling dispirited about the lack of turnout in the 2016 elections, utilize a domain like PoliticalApathy.Sucks. Getting your voice heard online can help you spread awareness about the value of female candidates long before the next election.

2. Maria Grazia Chiuri Takes the Reigns at Dior

Never before had a woman held the position of Artistic Director at the French luxury goods company, Dior. But that changed when Italian fashion designer Maria Grazia Chiuri accepted the role. By bringing modern  “femininity” to her work, Chiuri has been called an “activist designer”. Chiuri commented in Vogue that, “Dior has to be about female empowerment.” Her contributions leading that cause in the industry have earned her accolades, for example in November of 2017 she was the recipient of the Swarovski Award for Positive Change at the Fashion Awards in London.

HavingFewerOpportunities.Sucks. If you want to call out the lack of gender diversity in your industry, a custom domain could be the right platform to push for more equality for women in the workforce.

3. Women Allowed to Drive in Saudi Arabia

With the rise of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, many things in Saudi Arabia were ripe for change. The ban that prevented women from driving was finally lifted in 2017—and women were finally able to get back on the roads on June 22, 2018.

HoldingWomenBack.Sucks. The driving ban was long seen as a global symbol for women’s oppression, so this move was a huge step forward for Saudi women.

4. The Women’s March Draws Jaw-Dropping Crowds

4.5 million women in seven continents marched in protest after Donald Trump’s inauguration as U.S. President. These protests were an active response to negative comments Trump has made against women and other groups, while also calling attention to gender inequalities in U.S. government and beyond.

If you think POTUS’s attitude towards women sucks, a landing page like Misogyny.Sucks could be the very thing missing from your toolkit to hold him (and others) accountable for bad behavior.

5. Malala Yousafzai Goes to Oxford University

Back when she was a teenager, Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by the Taliban in direct response to her work campaigning for women’s rights to education. In 2014, she won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work and, with yet another milestone in her career as a groundbreaking activist, Yousafzai was accepted at Oxford University in 2017, where she chose to study politics, philosophy, and economics. “So excited to go to Oxford!!,” she tweeted after receiving her confirmation of acceptance.

If you’re interested in addressing the fact that NoAccessToEducation.Sucks, foster a conversation online that connects women and activist groups fighting for the right to broaden women’s access to education.

The Takeaway

With so much work still to be done, it can be beneficial to pause and admire all that we have accomplished so far. Though progress may feel slow, we have had many wins worth celebrating and deserve to raise a glass in honor of the role models fighting the good fight for womankind.

A .SUCKS domain can be the first step towards meaningful change. Make your voice heard online and amplify your message through a catchy, unique URL. Start an empowering conversation with a custom .SUCKS domain of your own.

Photo Credits: Shutterstock / Karl Sonnenberg, Shutterstock / Evan El-Amin, Shutterstock / Kdonmuang, Flickr / United Nations Information Centres

Updated: May, 2019

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