Global e-commerce sales continue to climb every year, and are expected to reach $4.9 trillion by 2021. This should tell you two things: (1) e-comm is the place to be in our digital-driven future and (2) it’s going to be an uphill battle to stand out against everyone else who has had the same thought.
But there is something you can do about it. Restaurants, CPG companies and mommy bloggers can all benefit from a .SUCKS domain—and so can e-comm businesses.
E-Comm Brands Need Clever Domains, Too
Certain words have positive or negative connotations and potential customers are going to pick up on them. So online retailers need to be wary of what words they pick to describe themselves and how it plays into their brand—e-commerce businesses can easily twist a traditionally “negative” word into something empowering, fun, goofy or irreverent. Just think of Nasty Gal, an online clothing retailer with a vintage aesthetic.
This can extend well beyond choosing a brand name. URLs, for example, can play an active part in a marketing strategy while simultaneously showing off a company’s unique personality (there are so many options beyond .com and .org). A .SUCKS domain is a great choice for e-commerce sites that want to give off an edgy, in-on-the-joke vibe.
Here are three reasons why online retailers should take advantage of this powerful ngTLD:
1. Give Customers a Place to Vent

People are going to complain online…it’s a fact. And unfortunately, it can affect the bottom line. According to BrightLocal, customers read an average of 10 reviews before committing to a brand—and 57% of consumers will only use a business with a rating of four or more stars. If all they’re seeing is one-star ratings and negative quips on Twitter, you can kiss that POS goodbye.
Successful e-commerce brands will have a strategy for soliciting positive reviews and mediating negative ones. A .SUCKS domain is the perfect place to direct disgruntled customers and address their complaints. [YourCompanyName].Sucks could be an emphatic way of reminding customers that you’re listening—and that you take all of their concerns seriously.
2. Sell “Sucky” Merchandise
What problem is your brand trying to solve? You—and your customers—probably think it sucks, right? Cheeky, bold, in-your-face, apparel like “[Something] Sucks” t-shirts and backpacks are both funny and wearable. Anything goes these days, and online shops are inspiring off-beat trends like Girls F*ck merchandise
Do you sell plus-size clothing? Use FatShaming.Sucks and design some merchandise to go with it. Do you sell desk organizers and accessories? Use Clutter.Sucks to sell the products that help keep things tidy. There are plenty of ways to get creative, attract customers and design something with a wry online audience in mind.
3. Raise Your Voice—and Capture Attention

The brands that are the most memorable are the ones that have a distinct and convincing voice. A voice that doesn’t just sound like regurgitated sales talk or PR speak. E-commerce brands need to know their audiences, and then speak directly to them. Figure out how consumers talk about the things they like (and dislike), and then tailor a .SUCKS page to fit.
A lot of e-commerce sites offer subscription boxes: meal kits, monthly clothing boxes, pet treat and toy deliveries. These brands need to convince customers that it sucks to do these things on their own. Domains like MealPlanning.Sucks or TheMall.Sucks hold a lot of potential—get creative with your pitch in order to convince consumers of your value.
The Takeaway
We think everyone can benefit from a .SUCKS domain, but e-commerce platforms in particular need all the help they can get in an increasingly cluttered market. These days, there are a lot of people with digital storefronts—or designs on RedBubble—trying to hock discount t-shirts and other merch. To rise above the noise, you need something that stands out, is memorable and delivers an impactful message. You need .SUCKS.
Learn more about building out your ngTLD strategy, or find a .SUCKS domain for your next e-comm venture.
Photo Credits: Shutterstock / GaudiLab, Shutterstock / Song_about_summer, Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images