Keeping dotSucks Current

Last month, Vox Populi Registry implemented a new policy to keep the dotSucks platform current. Going forward, it is our plan to regularly update both our Market Premium and Reserved domain lists. At this point, monthly.

As noted on our website,, Market Premium names are those that have been curated from a broad set of sources indicating a persistent and high interest in their use. Reserved names affected by this change are those that are held by the Registry, initially, for its own purposes and use, as in marketing.

I don’t know of other domain name registries that are taking the time to curate their lists, but here is why we’re doing it.

It is clear to us that the new gTLD program has yielded some fresh insights into the way we want to live online. It is a powerful human urge to let the world know who we are and what we think.

We want to be seen as ourselves. That’s why identity has been a key driver of the new Internet landscape. Whether .doctor, .lawyer or .indianchief, the rapid adoption of new gTLDs has been fueled by their ability to effectively represent who we are in all the worlds we inhabit.

We want to influence our world. That’s why comment and criticism have accelerated Internet growth. Whether a good review or bad, a question or an answer, a quick take or thoughtful suggestion, the urge to be heard – combined with identity, to be recognized — is undeniable. The new gTLDs help there, too.

When the public Internet was made real 20 years ago, it gave us a start. A company’s email address was a “welcome mat” for conversation. The rise of eCommerce then led companies courting consumers actually to begin listening, but selectively and on their own channels. Now, just as the new gTLD program created the opportunity for all to be ourselves on line, it offers greater assurance that we will be heard – on our terms.

An essential element of our identity and our passions is context. At work we can be a boss or an employee. At home we can be a husband or a wife. In polite society, we can be a Republican or a Democrat. We can love the new restaurant or hate it. The movie may be fabulous or perhaps it just sucks. The new gTLD program has given each of us a chance to be and say each of those things.

This was the rule of human behavior that led us to create Vox Populi Registry a year ago and the dotSucks domain names. It strikes us that, as events occur and passions wax and wane, a list of names, either Market Premium or Reserved, ought to change with the times.

Moving forward monthly, once a name is removed from the Reserved list, it will become instantly available for registration. In the same way, a domain removed from the Market Premium list will become instantly available for registration at the standard price. Our Registrar partners will be able to help Registrants navigate the changes as they occur.

Vox Populi Registry has worked hard to be true to our mission: “dotSucks is designed to help consumers find their voices and allow companies to find the value in criticism.”

By being sensitive to the issues and events of the day, we intend to stay in tune with what people are talking about and keeping dotSucks current.

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