A Lawyer’s Guide to .SUCKS Domains

If there’s one thing that trademark lawyers don’t need to be told twice, it’s that brand image is of fundamental importance to a brand’s success. You understand the value of a brand name and you know what can happen if a company fails to protect it. As such, you are likely well aware of the ngTLD market—you may have even witnessed first-hand what can happen if a brand-adjacent domain name is snatched up by a disgruntled customer or rival business. It’s probably already occurred to you to advise your clients to purchase their own .SUCKS domain.

So how exactly do you communicate the value of .SUCKS to your clients? How do you impress upon them that purchasing their own domain is not simply necessary for protection, but also a great opportunity for some unique and powerful marketing? Brands who are stuck in the .COM age might be too quick to shrug off ngTLDs and deny their influence, but you know this is a mistake—one that could cost a brand dearly. With that in mind, we’ve compiled this handy guide to ensure the brands you represent are utilizing .SUCKS domains to their full potential (and saving you a colossal headache down the line).

Step 1: Find the Point of Contact

Find the Right Contact Person

Before you can do anything else, you need to identify the right person to speak to about purchasing a .SUCKS domain. This will totally depend on the company. It could be the CEO or brand manager, the head of customer service or someone in compliance, marketing or even IT. It will all depend on the company size and structure, which may vary from brand to brand. It could be your day-to-day main contact, but that won’t always be the case.

Wasted effort sucks, so make sure you’re reaching out to the right contact from the get-go to save both your client and yourself time and energy.

Buy WastedEffort.Sucks

Step 2: Help Them Identify Their Weak Spots

Is a brand struggling with a bad reputation? Have they had PR drama in the past? Do they have particularly outspoken or loud critics and/or consumers on social media? Make note of pressure points that need working on and lead your client or contact into a discussion by promising to reinforce any creases or cracks in their brand’s reputation.

Media drama sucks, so highlight that your clients have a duty to protect themselves from public backlash in every way possible, and that a .SUCKS domain can help them do just that. Which brings us to…

Buy MediaDrama.Sucks

Step 3: Pitch the Value of .SUCKS

Value of .SUCKS domain

Pitch your client on the concept by educating them on the ROI of .SUCKS and sharing strategies for what the brand could do with the domain. This takes the brainstorming work off their plate and may make them more likely to consider your point of view.

Some key points of value include:

  • Guarding your property. Sitting on the domain for protection purposes is enough of a reason to own one.
  • Prioritizing customer service. Using the domain as a feedback forum can boost your customer satisfaction, and help to stop disgruntled customers airing their grievances on another platform—one which your client has no control over.
  • Breaking the mold. Building a unique campaign can draw attention online and maybe even go viral. Don’t miss your chance to SUCK.

A half assed pitch sucks, so always pump up the pros of the product you’re pitching.

Buy AHalfAssedPitch.Sucks

Step 4: Partner with a Registrar

Partner with a registrar like Unregistry or Rebel to help move your project forward. These companies can offer you designers, customer advocates and brokers. They can assist you in buying, selling and managing your domain names, offering information and support along the way.

Going it alone sucks, so hire the right help when you need it and help your clients move towards success.

Buy GoingItAlone.Sucks

The Takeaway

If your clients are ready to own their digital presence, claim their .SUCKS domain now.

Photo Credits: Shutterstock / Rawpixel, Shutterstock / DW2630, Shutterstock / TippaPatt

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