Over the past, few months—no, let’s rephrase that. As long as we can remember, women have been campaigning for reform. From issues of domestic violence to being ‘allowed’ to vote and everything in between, there has never been an easy path to revolution. But in today’s world of accessible information, things are starting to change.
Through online platforms like Instagram, Twitter and unique websites, getting your voice heard is easier than ever. So, by drawing inspiration from projects like the Time’s Up movement, start your own intelligent, thoughtful and world changing revolution. But first you need to learn how to use your voice.
Articulate a Clear Message
At this year’s Golden Globes, Oprah took to the stage to accept the Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement. Oprah used that platform to speak on behalf of women everywhere who have put up with a male-dominated society for far too long.
“So I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon! And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say “Me too” again.”
The battle cry was heard. #Oprah2020 blew up overnight, pairing like-minded individuals in allegiance. The power of the hashtag is just that: it promotes dialogue. Even before Oprah’s speech, #MeToo rallies started to pop up across the country bringing the movement from the screen to the streets.
Know Your Facts
It’s important to backup your knowledge base. This helps make you credible in the eyes of naysayers and haters who are waiting eagerly in the wings to tear down any other half-assed social movement.
An easy way to do this is to check out TimesUpNow.com. There you can find the real facts about women in the workforce, sexual harassment statistics and details on how to support any burgeoning yet respectable movements. Anyone can come out with wild accusations and a demand for social change, but unless you have the evidence to support your claim—and a platform from which to distribute said evidence—your would-be revolution will suffocate before it’s had a chance to breathe.
Basically, if you see it happening, say something. If you notice that women are underrepresented in your field of work, say something. If you want to help, say something. Which all makes sense because SayingNothing.Sucks.
Set the Stage
Once you know what you intend to achieve with your campaign, you’ll need to find the right outlet for your voice. Of course, a megaphone works, but there are more practical, less obnoxious ways too.
For instance, you can create a Go Fund Me account to help donate towards a specific cause, like the Time’s Up Campaign did for their legal defense fund, raising almost $20 million in one month.
You can create an Instagram account that offers easily digestible content, educating viewers on the issue at hand. Like @Feministabulous creator Liz Plank, you can add your personal voice, remind people that there is hope, all while adding a sprinkling of humor.
And finally, add much more legitimacy to your movement with a website that strikes a chord. Websites are one of the most valuable marketing tools, as they’re accessible, have endless creative possibilities and add credibility. And with a .SUCKS domain, they don’t have to be boring either.
So start a revolution! BeingSilent.Sucks, so be loud. Misogyny.Sucks, so be vocal. And SexualHarassment.Sucks, so stand tall, proud and fight back against what society has put up with for too long. Remember that BeingComplacent.Sucks, and that change was never made by those who whisper. Progress is impossible without movement, and #TimesUp on standing still.
Looking for a way to get your feet wet with revolution? A .SUCKS domain can start promoting your dialogue in a meaningful way.
Photo Credits: Shutterstock / Sundry Photography