How to Refresh Your Digital Marketing Strategy With a .SUCKS Domain

Is it time to refresh your digital marketing strategy? The online world moves so quickly through topics and trends that you have to constantly shuffle your approach to avoid being relegated to the (shudder) second page on Google results. A stale strategy sucks when you know you can be doing more to meet your sales and marketing potential. If you need to amp up your digital marketing strategy, here are some ways to use a .SUCKS domain to its full effect.

Buy AStaleStrategy.Sucks

Solve a New Problem Strategy

You likely started your business on the principal that you have a product or service that solves a problem for your customers. Remind your customers that you can do more than one thing well. Address problems that are timely or seasonal so that you can update your approach often and keep yourself in the forefront of the public mindset.

Maybe you design ethically-produced and tested makeup because animal testing sucks. Customers looking for an eco-friendly approach to cosmetics will be drawn to your online store. You’ve got this niche covered—but as the weather gets warmer, why not call attention to products that are also sweat-proof or contain UV protection. Because animal-lovers everywhere also know that skin cancer sucks.

Buy AnimalTesting.Sucks

Buy SkinCancer.Sucks

Capitalize on Current Events

Stay informed on latest online trends

So you already have a dynamic web presence and solid web design, but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from the buzz surrounding current news or the latest trends. While you shouldn’t leap on a trend without thinking, there are strategic ways to use your own .SUCKS domain to link your products or services to the next big thing on the coveted Reddit front page.

If you notice that everyone online is talking about a current event, you could use a .SUCKS platform to highlight key parts of the conversation. For example, after California passed a bill restricting big pharma from giving gifts (read: bribes) to medical professionals, your company could offer to donate money to individuals affected by the spiked prices in pharmaceutical drugs. A creative domain—such as BigPharma.Sucks—could help you capitalize on current events while building goodwill with your customers.

Buy BigPharma.Sucks

Challenge Competitors

Did a competing force in your industry make a public blunder? Join the conversation by positioning your service in a better light comparatively. You can do this subtly, by hinting at a competitor’s blunder or more directly, depending on your brand’s personality and style.

For example, every airline company should have jumped on PoorAirlineService.Sucks after the infamous United Airlines debacle. The page could have critiqued United’s handling of the situation and offered customers who were on board a 10% discount on their next flight with your company. This turns negative news into a positive headline for you.

Buy PoorAirlineService.Sucks

Liven Up Your Image

Wendy's fun marketing broke world-record for most re-tweets

Brands with fun, surprising or edgy marketing are both attention-grabbing and endearing to customers who don’t like being marketed to in a traditional sense. Choose a domain name that injects some excitement or dissidence into your brand (if your image allows for it). For example, after a tweet by chicken-nugget lover Carter Wilkerson broke the world-record for most re-tweets, Wendy’s could have capitalized by buying PayingForNuggets.Sucks to chart the progress of the Wilkerson’s mission to earn a year’s worth of free nuggets.

This could be as simple as using bluntness, humor or shock-value in your custom domain, like BadGas.Sucks for an online store that offers natural remedies for various physical ailments. Or you can challenge a cliche or stereotype—BodyShaming.Sucks for a plus-size clothing store, for example— to position your company as a more progressive option in a landscape of traditional marketing.

Buy PayingForNuggets.Sucks

Buy BadGas.Sucks

Buy BodyShaming.Sucks

The Takeaway

Your digital marketing strategy needs to be compelling, creative and dynamic to keep the attention of your customers. Brands who want to remain competitive need to both startle and relate to their audience. These ideas are just a few of the ways that a custom .SUCKS domain can help you revamp your strategy and improve your reach.

If you want a new way to improve your marketing, a .SUCKS domain can do the trick. Keep your service or product in the public eye by trying a bold new strategy with a domain name they won’t forget.

Photos: Shutterstock / Rawpixel, Shutterstock / Gil C, Shutterstock / Roman Tiraspolsky

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