Trump This: The Alt-Right Fight

Whenever we think Donald Trump can’t possibly “trump” his latest move as president, he somehow manages to surprise us. From Trump’s ineptitude with foreign policy to his questionable relationship with the Twittersphere, Trump-related catastrophes and blunders are a dime a dozen—so we’ve put together an ongoing series briefing you on the latest and (not-so-)greatest moves from the White House. Recently, his sympathizing with the “alt-right” white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville has hammered home (once again) just how much DonaldTrump.Sucks.

The Alt-Right Movement

Alt-right members holding Nazi, Confederate Battle, Gadsden

From online trolls to white supremacist groups, the alt-right movement is everywhere these days—and to be frank, TheAltRight.Sucks. Empowered by the rise of Donald Trump as President of the United States, these individuals have been linked to everything from online harassment of journalists and celebrities to violent protests and rallies in places like Charlottesville, Virginia. The alt-right movement is one of the biggest problems plaguing America, and Trump has created a political climate where racist individuals feel increasingly comfortable airing their backwards views.

Charlottesville’s “Unite the Right” Rally

When it was decided that Confederate-era monuments were going to be removed in Charlottesville, all hell seemed to break loose. Far right protesters, including white nationalists and white supremacists, gathered on Saturday, August 12th, 2017 at the University of Virginia campus as well as downtown Charlottesville to voice their opposition to the plan. There was a clash between counter protestors and the alt-right mob, resulting in violence and even the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer after she was struck by the car of an alt-right protestor.

“Many Sides” at Fault, According to Trump

Downtown Charlottesville after riots

After the violence that unfolded in Charlottesville, President Donald Trump made some unsavory comments about “many sides” being at fault. This didn’t sit well with folks on either side of the political spectrum, with both Democrats and Republicans blasting his refusal to condemn the acts of white supremacists. We all know that Racism.Sucks, yet President Trump seems quicker to lash out at reporters and comedy shows than neo-Nazi hate groups.

When speaking about the incident and his stance later, President Trump noted, “You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now. You had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit, and they were very, very violent.” Seems our president has no problem “emboldening” white supremacists with his problematic commentary.

POTUS Panders to Alt-Right

PoliticalViolence.Sucks, and although President Trump offered condolences to Heather Heyer’s family, he should have been clearer about his stance on disavowing racism and discrimination, rather than pandering to far right groups. In fact, he continued to back up his claim that “both sides” shared the blame by doubling down on his position and claiming that “there are two sides to a story.” He failed to mention that one of those “sides” contains the hateful spiel of neo-Nazis, but okay.

The Takeaway

With political tensions on the rise everywhere, it’s important to stand up and have a voice. Silence is complacency when bigotry rears its ugly head. If you agree that TrumpInOffice.Sucks or simply that IncompetentLeadership.Sucks, make your voice heard with a .SUCKS domain. This is just one way to protest Trump and the alt-right in a productive, non-violent way. Make your political opinion known and stand up to racism online—so that it stands less of a chance of making it out into the world at large.

Interested in finding out more about other Trump-related debacles? We’ve got you covered. Learn about Trump’s unstable White House team or his war against Obamacare. Or, start a new conversation with a custom .SUCKS domain of your own.

Photo Credits: Shutterstock / Kelly Bell, Flickr / Anthony Crider, Flickr / Bob Mical

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